Unrivaled music to bring your stories to life
Inspiring every production with the world’s most robust and constantly refreshed music collection, state-of-the-art technology, and world-class customer service.
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Tracks from over 300+ libraries located across the globe


New tracks added every month


Authentic archival recordings dating back to the early 1900s


Music representing over 185 different countries around the globe


Full indemnification and simple licensing for every track
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中国168彩网澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖-官方开奖结果直播 Did you know...

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We also offer award-winning Custom Music at our iconic studio formerly known as Lion Share, where greats such as Barbra Streisand, Quincy Jones, Lionel Ritchie, and Beck, to name a few, have recorded.
APM is proud to be a top music source year in and year out for the Emmy's, Oscar's, and Clio's.
APM tracks have been sampled by Dr. Dre, Nas, Danger Mouse, Gorillaz, Fatboy Slim, Gnarls Barkley, Chance the Rapper and more!
Have an impossible search? Or just need to save time? We offer our clients direct access to our team of award-winning Music Directors that will curate and deliver playlists for any production.
We provide access to exclusive content including the iconic NFL Films Library and the newly released MLB Library. We are also the sole representative of the legendary Monday Night Football theme (aka 'Heavy Action' from KPM).

澳洲幸运5开奖官网结果记录查询 - 查询开奖记录澳洲结果-历史号码 No hassle licensing

澳洲幸运5精准一期计划,最快开奖结果查询,历史记录查询 澳洲5历史开奖号码记录查询,2024澳洲幸运5开奖历史 When you use music in any production, you need to obtain the rights to two distinct assets - the composition and the actual recording of that composition. These two sides of a music license are often referred to as the "publishing" and the "master" rights, respectively. Often the folks who control the publishing rights do not control the recordings. So, historically, it was very difficult for creators to track down all the entities necessary to license these rights. APM is the solution to this problem, because we can grant both the publishing and the master rights for any track on our platform. Get Started


Our licenses are tailored to the project you're working on - pay only for what you need


TV, Film, Advertising, Video Games, Sports, Podcasts, In Store - any production

copyright clear

Security and confidence that you are using tracks protected by full indemnification - forever
APM is my first stop for every search because, simply put, they have everything. Whether the need is authentic 1940s parade music to a late night jazz trio to varying styles of mariachi to cheesy nursery rhymes performed on xylophone - 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖 APM has it! The website is the most efficient and effective one out there, and for specific or fast searches, our contacts there are friendly, accommodating and quick to respond. Working with 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖 APM makes my job easier!

Amanda Krieg Thomas

Music Supervisor (POSE, American Horror Story, CLAWS)

We have worked with 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖 APM on many projects over time. They have a comprehensive catalog with many great music options. The level of attention and personal service provided by 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖 APM is excellent and they always respond promptly with helpful information. They streamline the licensing process and make the process fast and efficient. We will gladly continue working with APM.

Paul Albanese

Managing Director Broadcast Production, David & Goliath

We have been very pleased with澳洲幸运5 APM Music. With regard to the music, APM’s offerings are definitely the preferred choice among our producers. And when there is a need for suggestions, the reps at APM have been able to give us great recommendations based on the kind of work we produce. All of this is done in a timely manner. It’s nice to have confidence that there is someone to help you out when a deadline is looming.

Greg Taylor

LA Dodgers

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